Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Agape Christian Church IMPACT Students attended the Dare2Share "INVINCIBLE" Tour in downtown St. Louis last weekend. It was an amazing opportunity to be equipped to share the GOSPEL message by some amazing teachers and preachers. Students were challenged by the D2S Team to "Go All Out... or Go Home!" Students had opportunities to share their faith in Christ with the lost by calling their unsaved friends on cell phones, by going door to door in the communities surrounding St. Louis, and by intentionally starting conversations downtown and at the motels they were staying.

The Preacher, Greg Stier passionately shared the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ in a palletable way so students could grasp how to share the love and forgiveness of Christ with their friends and how to have a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe by accepting Jesus as Lord for those who had not made that personal decision.

"Mobilizing teenagers to relationally and relentlessly reach their generation for Christ!"

My friend Sean, who was in the "Sharing Zone" the whole time, was able to experience a dream come true by meeting one of his evangelist superheroes, Greg Steir. Sean is passionate about sharing the Gospel with unbelievers. He has an extremely compassionate heart and an evangelistic personality.

Zane Black surfed in to encourage students to share Christ with his personal testimony and to share some practical witnessing applications through drama and "Zane-iness!"

A few of the girls were thinking of ways they could share the love of Christ with their friends! Or, they were dreaming of ways they could get Zane to go with them to grab a chili-cheese dog!

Besides the rain and snow, it was an amazing weekend that connected with our students and is still resonating as I have already heard stories about how they are invading their campuses and neighborhoods with the Good News of Jesus. We are truly on a GOSPEL Journey!

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