Friday, April 03, 2009

Current State of the Family

The current state of the family is in a crisis! We can blame it on whatever; however, the issue is how do we correct it. I don't want to sound cliche', but the answer is always Jesus Christ. Our only hope comes from Christ. Do you believe that? I hope so!

However, I don't think God just wants us to stand around waiting for Christ to return to straighten things out! I believe He desires for us to take the action necessary to strengthen our own families in Christ and to help others in this fallen state of affairs. The first step is recognizing that there is a crisis, then seeking the face of God for wisdom on how to personally and ministerially handle the issues... asking Him to do a might work in the hearts and lives of all those involved.

Following is a direct post from Homeward's Jim Burns on the crisis:

I know you would agree with me that as the family goes so goes the future strength of our nation and the church. Just at a time in our nation’s history with the economy faltering and what seems like almost a general depression in the lives of so many people, the changing face of the American family is also in great need.

As Dorothy said to her little dog in the Wizard of Oz, “Toto we aren’t in Kansas anymore.” Let me put some stark facts in front of you:
  • The cell phone will be the greatest distributor of pornography for kids before the year 2011.
  • "Sexting” is the new craze reported CBS news last week. 1 out of 5 kids have received an unwanted text photo of someone naked on their cell phone.
  • 160,000 kids stayed home from school today (and everyday) because of bullying and they literally are afraid to go to class.
  • 12 million people in America participate in self-injury (mainly cutting) each year with most of them being young people.
  • Today there are at least 25 different Sexually Transmitted Diseases people can catch. Time magazine reported: of the young people who are sexually active, they will have 7 different partners by age 25. One out of five has a sexually transmitted disease. Do the math – it isn’t pretty!
I do not want to sound like a gloom and doom prophet but friends, we are one generation away from a greater disaster with the current state of the family; greater than any economic problems we have. (Jim Burns... Homeward)

What is it that God is calling you to do in your own families and in the lives of those in your community? I can tell you that it starts with pointing students to Jesus Christ! We here at Agape are doing the best we can with what and who we have been resourced with. If you love students and feel compelled to serve in our student ministry... we want and need you! This next year, with an influx of students at every level and age, we need more volunteers. It's time to get involved. It's time to help restore this generation in the power and wisdom of Jesus Christ! Join me in helping to mobilize students to a deeper relationship with Christ, and as a result, strengthen our families.

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