Friday, April 24, 2009

Kari Beattie wins a Golden Apple Award

Kari is a special needs teacher at West Vigo Elementary, and serves as one of Agape's Nursery Directors. She and her husband Jeff serve together on the Agape' Childrens Sports Team, Agape' KICKS, during the seasons of Karate and In-door Soccer. Join me as we celebrate this ever-deserving Golden Apple Award with her. Way to go Kari!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Just a Teenager, but I'm the Church

We Are the Church from Southeast Student Ministry on Vimeo.

Great Video!!! Had to re-post for my students. Thanks Southeast Team and Josh Griffin for the heads up on this one!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Teen Song

The song says it all! Teens are conversationalists!

Thanks for this one Marko!
Flutter... The New Nano Blogging Social Network

Just as you got used to the "tweet" on Twitter, now comes "flap" on Flutter! Check it out!