My Year-End Self-Evaluation
Craig Groeschel recently posted some signs of a lukewarm pastor. Since lukewarmness is something detested by our Lord, I think an effective year-end self-evaluation can be created from the points following:Do I pray as much, or more, publicly than privately?
Am I almost exclusively dependent on others’ sermons to preach than directly hearing from God?
Do I care more about my church than The Church?
Do I preach about evangelism but not practice evangelism privately?
Do I tolerate and rationalize unconfessed sin?
Do I preach for the approval of people rather than the approval of God?
Am I overly sensitive to criticism?
Do I harbor bitterness and unforgiveness?
Do I read the Bible to prepare sermons but not for personal devotion to God?
Am I jealous or critical of someone else that God is blessing?
Do you see any of this in yourself?
According to Craig, a lukewarm pastor:
Prays as much, or more, publicly than privately.
Is almost exclusively dependent on others’ sermons to preach than directly hearing from God.
Cares more about his church than The Church.
Preaches about evangelism but doesn’t practice evangelism privately.
Tolerates and rationalizes unconfessed sin.
Preaches for the approval of people rather than the approval of God.
Is overly sensitive to criticism.
Harbors bitterness and unforgiveness.
Reads the Bible to prepare sermons but not for personal devotion to God.
Is jealous or critical of someone else that God is blessing.
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