Monday, March 12, 2012

6 Must Haves as a Leader Right Now
from CatalystSpace | Catablog

1. Leaders must have courage- the ability to risk and actually make a decision and do something. Quick to action.

2. Leaders must have conviction- a strong and compelling vision, and passion to pursue it.

3. Leaders must have a clear calling- understand how God has wired you.

4. Leaders must have authenticity- honest, humble and sincere. Willing to sacrifice. Willing to protect their teammates and take the fall.

5. Leaders must be willing to learn- leaders are readers. and have an insatiable desire to know more.

6. Leaders must be in touch with reality- ability to understand the context of our day. Plan for the future while leading in the present. Informed enough to make the tough decision.

This is a guest post from Brad Lomenick, the director of Catalyst. See more of his thoughts on leadership & innovation @

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