Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why Do We Let the World Determine the Value of a Person?

Great points by Rick Warren on the Value of People. However his political views are received, Rick got this one right. There are great points for our students to grab onto. Why does the world (esp. media) have to determine the value of a person? Why does it have to be about grades, athletics, or looks? Why can't we accept a person as the perfect creation of our Creator. I am not talking in the sinful state. That's what we do, not what He created us to be. God can take care of the sin. Jesus waits for you receive Him... then you will be transformed into the image He designed.
I am talking about you and I being God's creation, not someone else's! God loves His creation! Jesus died for His creation? Why do we want to re-create His creation? Love as God loves and understand that His Creation has value... in and out of the womb!

Thanks Josh Griffin for posting the video at morethandodgeball.com

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